
Installation binary

The installation bin is taken from the SAP Service Marketplace (login required).


AWS Image - Suse SLES 11 SP3 (checked on this AMI: ami-f1f5acc1 from region: us-west-2) approx. 80GB in the root fs directory.
AWS EC2 Instance Type: m4.large (Minimum requirements - tested on this type).

Dependencies (Recipes)

Please ensure that you have access to the following:

  • ark
  • lvm


All attributes have sane default values (see attributes/default.rb). You can install any supported component in this cookbook, without overriding any attributes.
In case you need to override an attribute(s), use either a role or a wrapper cookbook. See examples in the examples section.


Key Type Description Default
['maxdb']['tmpDir'] String tmp dir to put zip files and setup scripts /tmp
['maxdb']['sapdbDir'] String base directory for installation /sapdb
['maxdb']['programDir'] String global programs directory /sapdb/programs
['maxdb']['SID'] String instance id SID
['maxdb']['volDataDir'] String path to the data volume /sapdb/['maxdb']['SID']/sapdata1
['maxdb']['volLogDir'] String path to the log volume /sapdb/['maxdb']['SID']/saplog1


Key Type Description Default
['maxdb']['repoUrl'] String Repository url pointing to the maxdb installation files
['maxdb']['version'] String MaxDB version 7.8
['maxdb']['globalDataDir'] String global data directory /sapdb/data
['maxdb']['instDbDir'] String instance data directory /sapdb//db
['maxdb']['zipFile'] String Name of the installation zip file filename.tgz


Key Type Description Default
['maxdb']['scriptName'] String Name of the MaxDB setup script to be found in the templates createdb
['maxdb']['dbName'] String Name of the Database to be created DEFAULT
['maxdb']['dbmOperator']['name'] String name of the DBM operator dbm
['maxdb']['dbmOperator']['password'] String password of the DBM operator dbm
['maxdb']['dbUser']['name'] String name of the DB User DBADMIN
['maxdb']['dbUser']['password'] String password of the DB User admin
['maxdb']['dbUser']['xuser'] String key of the DB User in the XUSERS list (of root) dba
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['sessionTimeout'] String DB parameter sessionTimeout 0 (unlimited Sessions)
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['CacheMemorySize'] String DB parameter CacheMemorySize 1000
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['MaxDataVolumes'] String DB parameter MaxDataVolumes 64
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['MaxUserTasks'] String DB parameter MaxUserTasks 120
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['DefaultCodePage'] String DB parameter DefaultCodePage UNICODE
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['autoUpdateStatistics'] String DB parameter autoUpdateStatistics ON
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['autoExtend'] String DB parameter autoExtend ON
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['autoExtendPercentage'] String DB parameter autoExtend on percentage 90
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['logOverwrite'] String DB parameter logOverwrite ON
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['maxSQLLocks'] String DB parameter MaxSQLLocks 900000
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['maxServerTasks'] String DB parameter MaxServerTasks 4096
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['joinTableBufferSize'] String DB parameter JoinTableBufferSize 16384
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['joinSearchLevel'] String DB parameter JoinSearchLevel 4
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['maxTransactions'] String DB parameter MaxTransactions 32767
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['maxCPUs'] String DB parameter MaxCPUs 3
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['maxLogVolumes'] String DB parameter MaxLogVolumes 4
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['autoRecreateBadIndex'] String DB parameter AutoRecreateBadIndex. Can be ALL, UNIQUE or OFF ALL
['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['autoLogBackup'] String DB parameter AutoLogBackup. Can be on or off (must be lower case). Do not turn on, when ['maxdb']['db']['parameter']['logOverwrite'] is activated. off


Key Type Description Default
['maxdb']['scriptName'] String Name of the MaxDB setup script to be found in the templates createdb
['maxdb']['dbName'] String Name of the Database to be created DEFAULT
['maxdb']['dbmOperator']['name'] String name of the DBM operator dbm
['maxdb']['dbmOperator']['password'] String password of the DBM operator dbm
['maxdb']['dbUser']['name'] String name of the DB User DBADMIN
['maxdb']['dbUser']['password'] String password of the DB User admin
['maxdb']['dbUser']['xuser'] String key of the DB User in the XUSERS list (of root) dba