
Single SAP Hana node

Add the [hana::install] recipe to a new node in your landscape if you're planning a vanilla installation of SAP Hana. Change/override any attributes as required.


To install SAP Hana on a node, and override the installation path and the SYSTEM user password use the following role:

name "hana-install-single"
description "Role for installing SAP Hana server"

  "hana" => {
    "installpath" => "/your/path/hana",
    "syspassword" => "YOUR-SECRET"

run_list "recipe[hana::install]"

SAP Hana client on a node

For installing SAP Hana client on a node in your landscape, add the [hana::install-client] recipe to the node's run list. If it should be a stand-alone installation of SAP Hana client, set a node attribute ['hana']['clientsid'] to "false".


To install SAP Hana client on a node, use the following role:

name "hana-install-client"
description "Role for installing SAP Hana client"

  "hana" => {
    "installpath" => "/your/path/hana"

run_list "recipe[hana::install-client]"

Deploying SAP Hana cookbook with Vagrant & AWS Provider (kitchen will be added in updated version)

  • Install Vagrant and VirtualBox using standard Vagrant 1.1+ plugin installation methods. After installing, vagrant up and specify the aws provider. An example is shown below.
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
$ vagrant up --provider=aws

Of course prior to doing this, you'll need to obtain an AWS-compatible box file for Vagrant.

Quick Start

After installing the plugin (instructions above), the quickest way to get started is to actually use a dummy AWS box and specify all the details manually within a config.vm.provider block. So first, add the dummy box using any name you want:

$ vagrant box add dummy

Please execute the following in order to complete installation.

Firstly please make sure you have a cloned repository of the cookbook.

git clone

Vagrant Prerequisites (Please execute these commands in you're shell environment where you will run the vagrant)

a.  Fill in the AWS values of the following attributes:

        export AWS_ACCESS_KEY='';
        export AWS_SECRET_KEY='';
        export AWS_REGION='';
        export AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME='';
        export AWS_AMI='ami-f1f5acc1';
        export AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE='';

b. Fill in the HANA-Cookbook Path value (without the cookbook dir itself)

    export COOKBOOK_PATH='';     
Example: COOKBOOK_PATH='/home/user/cookbooks/';

Cookbook Prerequisites: (Please fill in the following parameters in the HANA cookbook attributes/default.rb)

    # Source of binary files (please fill in the values with full address that holds the binary files)

    default['install']['files']['sapcar']      = ""

    default['install']['files']['hanadb']      = ""

    default['install']['files']['hanaclient']  = ""

Example: default['install']['files']['sapcar'] = ""