

  • AWS Image - Suse SLES 11 SP3 (checked on this AMI: ami-f1f5acc1 from region: us-west-2)
  • approx. 25GB in the rootfs directory and 5GB for the specified directory in attribute ['install'].['tempdir']
  • AWS EC2 Instance Type: c4.4xlarge (Minimum requirements - tested on this type)


All attributes have sane default values (See attributes/default.rb). You can install any supported component in this cookbook, without overriding any attributes. In case you need to override an attribute(s), use either a role or a wrapper cookbook. See examples in the examples section.

Attributes related to SAP Hana instance configuration.

Attributes related to the installation process.

All attributes under ['install'].['files'] hierarchy, must be accessible by http get method from the node on which the installation is executed. The structure of ['install'].['files'].['hanadb'] archive must be a sole folder named SAP_HANA_DATABASE and all installation files in it. The structure of ['install'].['files'].['hanadb'] archive must be a sole folder named SAP_HANA_CLIENT and all installation files in it.

Attributes related to the distributed installation process.

All attributes under ['hana'].['dist'] hierarchy are related to distributed SAP Hana system installation process. Override only if you are installing a distributed system.